Articles tagged with: corporate
Barack Obama Impersonator Maxwell Price Featured On - The World's Number One Jewish Community Website
[Price] went back to his cramped, dilapidated apartment and looked in the mirror. He shaved off his mustache and gasped at his image. He did look like the President! Staring down at his stained, ragged clothes he suddenly felt a sense of hope. He went to the closet and put on his nicest clothes. The stares of people on the street when he emerged from his apartment told him that he had a new job opportunity on his hands.
Mitt Romney Impersonator Mike Cote Profiled By UK's #2 Newspaper The Daily Mail
Millions of Americans on both sides of the aisle are hanging their hopes on the outcome of the November presidential election, but few have as much riding on Mitt Romney's victory as Mike Cote, of Ogunquit, [who] has been blessed with facial features that closely resemble those of the Republican presidential hopeful, especially when enhanced with makeup and a dab of white dye on his sideburns.
Barack Obama Impersonator Maxwell Price Appears In Behind The Scenes Documentary Covering The Music Video "President Gaga" By Hillywood
Barack Obama Impersonator Maxwell Price and Mitt Romney Impersonator Jim Gossett Respond To Presidential Debate On Huffington Post
The two men just happen to make their living impersonating the two candidates and a win on either side could mean four years of an income estimated to be higher than the $450,000 salary Obama makes being the leader of the free world.
Barack Obama Impersonator Maxwell Price and Mitt Romney Impersonator Mike Cote Draw Media Attention In Times Square
Barack Obama Impersonator Maxwell Price Appears In iTunes Cover Art With Pauly Shore For Paulytics Album
Barack Obama Impersonator Maxwell Price and Mitt Romney Impersonator Mike Cote Appear On FOX News Stossel
Ronald Reagan Morning In America Starring Jim Gossett: Part 1
The Making of a President
Barack Obama Impersonator Maxwell Price and Mitt Romney Impersonator Mike Cote Featured In Slugfest 2012 Photo On September Cover For The Atlantic Photographed By Alison Jackson
The art director on our Romney-vs.-Obama boxing-match photo shoot explains how it came together.
The brief
Every four years James Fallows previews the presidential debates. He's a big deal, it's a big deal. Four years ago the solution was to montage news shots of Obama and McCain on to a dramatic black background. It made, sense, looked good, a quick read—a successful cover. Let's do something like that.
The idea
How do we do a version that's relevant to this year? What's unique? It's going to be dirty. (Isn't it always?) So let's show them fighting. You know, really fighting. Illustration or photomontage? Remembered a shoot five or six years from New York magazine, where I then worked. British artist / photographer / provocateur Alison Jackson photographed lookalikes of Brad and Angelina with newborn baby. (Back then, Adam Moss, New York's editor, had wanted to get the first baby shots, scooping People, Hello, and US Weekly. Trouble was the baby hadn't been born and we didn't want to pay $6 million for first rights—not that it would be offered. Funny.) So that's our idea: a fight with lookalikes of Mitt and Barack going at it in a boxing ring.