Articles tagged with: mitt romney
Barack Obama Impersonator Louis Ortiz and Mitt Romney Impersonator Mike Cote Appear In Puerto Rico's #1 Newspaper El Nuevo Dia
Los imitadores Louis Ortiz y Mike Cote confunden a los transeúntes por su gran parecido a los candidatos a la presidencia de los EE.UU.
Mitt Romney Impersonator Mike Cote Featured In Portland Press Herald
Mitt Romney Impersonator Mike Cote Profiled By UK's #2 Newspaper The Daily Mail
Millions of Americans on both sides of the aisle are hanging their hopes on the outcome of the November presidential election, but few have as much riding on Mitt Romney's victory as Mike Cote, of Ogunquit, [who] has been blessed with facial features that closely resemble those of the Republican presidential hopeful, especially when enhanced with makeup and a dab of white dye on his sideburns.
Barack Obama Impersonator Maxwell Price and Mitt Romney Impersonator Mike Cote Draw Media Attention In Times Square
Barack Obama Impersonator Maxwell Price and Mitt Romney Impersonator Mike Cote Appear On FOX News Stossel
Barack Obama vs Mitt Romney hosted by Ted Koppel animation demo
Politicos Comedy Brigade is proud to announce our new partnership
The Detroit News Covers Good Jobs Now Rally Featuring Mitt Romney Impersonator and Comedian Jim Gossett
Crowd at Detroit rally blasts Romney's economic plans
The Detroit News Covers Comedian and Mitt Romney Impersonator Jim Gossett at a rally for Good Jobs Now
Fake Mitt Romney stars at Detroit pro-Democrat rally